Monday, February 25, 2008

And the hits just keep on playing.....

Endocrinologist not thrilled with blood test/hormone levels, however nothing can be done – just need to wait it out. He wants to rule out thyroid (levels are spiked however within range) and gallbladder issues– weight loss is not typical with pituitary tumor (lost 35 total and 10 since I saw him jan 3)– plus I have family history for GB and thyroid. So, on to ANOTHER doctor – I swear this is making me a hypochondriac! Current setback worst case scenario is damage to pituitary or they didn’t get all of tumor – will know more after MRI review on Thursday with neurosurgeon. I'm not worried – all of this seems to be part of healing process, and as stated earlier, clearly I am NOT a good healer, in addition to being most impatient!

I am more concerned about some friends who are going thru much worse than me (than I???) - damn, we are getting old! I have lit more candles this past six months than in my entire life! When i joked with my friend David if lighting candles crossed religions, he responded with their menorah exploded - obviously it translates!


Swirl Girl said...

Okay , Okay my friend Tara-
You're just jealous! I have no gallbladder or thyroid anymore and you always wanted to be just like me! I still trump you one uterus! LOL...

Take it from me, none of these things made me lose 40 pounds... fear versus vanity. Vanity wills out.


Swirl Girl said...


A friend sent this to me...I love the message it rings so true.

"Just For Today I will be unafraid. Especially I will not be afraid to
enjoy what is beautiful, and to believe that as I give to the world, so
the world will give to me."

love Wendy and David