Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night!" (or week...)

There have been some weird results from recent tests. So back to drawing board and hope to god (or whom/whatever you pray to) not operating room!
Friday - blood work; Monday – appointment with hormone specialist (endocrinologist) to review test results. cross fingers that this is just a minor setback and I do not have to be on drugs the rest of my life; Tuesday – appointment with ENT to review test and CAT scan results, followed by a delightful cocktail of contrast for and afternoon MRI (not the kind of "nooner" I prefer), concluding with regurgitating said contrast; Thursday – appointment with neurosurgeon to review MRI results; Friday – checking into Betty Ford based on conclusion of above doc appointments!!!!! I can be reached at or at my new job (only 13#'s to go to reach ideal weight!). Please, no photos or interviews until optimum viewing….


Swirl Girl said...

Can't tell if this is humor or narcotic everyhting okay?

Can we share a room at Betty Ford?


Anonymous said...

Dooty here...Since Betty Ford is in our neighborhood I will throw another slab of ribs on the barbie for Sunday dinner!

Please hang in there...all those prayers and positive thoughts are coming your way on a roundtrip ticket.

I want off this see saw, OK?