Monday, February 25, 2008

And the hits just keep on playing.....

Endocrinologist not thrilled with blood test/hormone levels, however nothing can be done – just need to wait it out. He wants to rule out thyroid (levels are spiked however within range) and gallbladder issues– weight loss is not typical with pituitary tumor (lost 35 total and 10 since I saw him jan 3)– plus I have family history for GB and thyroid. So, on to ANOTHER doctor – I swear this is making me a hypochondriac! Current setback worst case scenario is damage to pituitary or they didn’t get all of tumor – will know more after MRI review on Thursday with neurosurgeon. I'm not worried – all of this seems to be part of healing process, and as stated earlier, clearly I am NOT a good healer, in addition to being most impatient!

I am more concerned about some friends who are going thru much worse than me (than I???) - damn, we are getting old! I have lit more candles this past six months than in my entire life! When i joked with my friend David if lighting candles crossed religions, he responded with their menorah exploded - obviously it translates!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night!" (or week...)

There have been some weird results from recent tests. So back to drawing board and hope to god (or whom/whatever you pray to) not operating room!
Friday - blood work; Monday – appointment with hormone specialist (endocrinologist) to review test results. cross fingers that this is just a minor setback and I do not have to be on drugs the rest of my life; Tuesday – appointment with ENT to review test and CAT scan results, followed by a delightful cocktail of contrast for and afternoon MRI (not the kind of "nooner" I prefer), concluding with regurgitating said contrast; Thursday – appointment with neurosurgeon to review MRI results; Friday – checking into Betty Ford based on conclusion of above doc appointments!!!!! I can be reached at or at my new job (only 13#'s to go to reach ideal weight!). Please, no photos or interviews until optimum viewing….

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Rather have a bottle in front of me then a frontal lobotomy (budumpba!)

Doc decided to not repack my brain!!! One more MRI, one deeper probe and this whole saga will be over-pending I pass. If MRI shows any leaking, infection, or swelling then he will place a layer of silicone like substance over the surgerical field - either way, NO PACKING of brain. Been having chats w/ brain & p-gland (suck it up buttercup, get in the game, cowboy up) and think they're on board! No strenuous exercise or flying yet. Shagging was not on the not allowed list this time; however either was bungee jumping, bull riding, flying on a trapeze (all of which are on my bucket list) – guess he compiled all the above into strenuous exercise.

We had a really great chat about the whole project brain probe. Although he is not completely satisfied with my healing, he wants to include my case into a study that he and neurosurgeon hope to have published. It is amazing how many people actually have a tumor, and not just impacting pituitary, that don’t find out until its too late; meaning there is some form of damage, or they are on autopsy table. Dr. Lee commented on how they had completed three similar surgeries in November and five in December, and none in January – really slow month. I returned with “Gee, don’t know why biz has slowed down – I’ve referred all my friends with brain base tumors to you”. He had to step away from the nasal/brain probe in fear of piercing my frontal lobe, whereby killing me, when he started laughing. Thank you, I’ll be here all week!

Also discussed the cost of surgery and socialized medicine. Out of the $34k+ hospital billed insurance, he only gets a very small portion of the hospital’s cut– he makes more money on office visits than surgery, and since this is a fairly new procedure, it is coded as experimental so he gets half of what he would get %wise on fixing a deviated septum, for example. Obviously he is not a big supporter of socialized medicine, yet he and his colleagues are at least investigating more options for prescription meds i.e. purchasing from foreign vendors to cut down costs for the patient.

These last two weeks have been the best I have felt since the diagnosis. I still have headaches, some blurry vision at night, bright lights and loud noises still pierce my head; however I am getting less exhausted by the end of the work day or doing chores. I am ready to get back to gym, riding my bike (with a helmet designed by NASCAR if I can find one!), and normal levels of cavorting. Still not ready to hit Vegas or party circuit although have been getting more comfortable with the lounge scene.

Thank you again for your support, positive thoughts, and laughs!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Houston we have a problem….

Last Friday, I had what I thought was last post op visit with ENT. Thought being the key operative……Apparently I am not a good healer, as the surgical field is not at the mend point he expected and there is concern of infection. This means more drugs, although just heavy antibiotics – all I need is gangrene of the brain! I’m scheduled for a cat scan this week to determine if he needs to repack the area. I can only begin to tell you the excruciating pain this packing causes - right up there with child birth, self amputation, or having the Acme anvil blown thru your head when attempting to capture the Roadrunner. Soooooo, BACK to headaches on a scale of seven (which has lessened to a three), along with dizziness, nausea, and exhaustion. At least I will be ready for bikini season!